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Our Sponsors

Programs such as Introduction to Architecture are only possible through the generosity of individuals, corporations, and organizations alike.  We are grateful for your gifts which allow us to promote architecture via education, arts and culture, and design.

We are currently seeking sponsorship to continue and grow our Introduction to Architecture program. Additionally, we are working to create new scholarship opportunities for the students in our program and in the community in general. 

You can be a part of our continued success by donating today.

Support the Rochester Architecture Foundation

Make a one time or annual donation today.

Thank you for your support!

Donations can also be made by check

made payable to "Rochester Architecture Foundation"

Remit check to:

Rochester Architecture Foundation

PO Box 10029

Rochester, NY  14610

Major Support

Introduction to Architecture


JDurfee Architect

Richard M. Pospula, AIA Emeritus

Scholarship Endowment Fund

ME Engineering.jpg

Corporate/Individual Support

Corporate Donors

Cannan Alexander and Scott

Ashley Management

Marathon Engineering

Whitney East

Elmer Davis

SEI Design Group

Hanlon Architects

Steve General Contractor

MRB Group


Edgemere Development

LaBella Associates

Edge Architecture

Rozzi Architects

Architectura, PC

Weckesser Brick

Individual Donors

Thank you all for your continued support!

Ty Allen

Thomas Anderson

Dennis Andrejko

Jeff Ashline

Mark Bayer

Jacqueline Billings

Roger Brown

Tim Burke

Joy Carlson

Ann Chaintreuil

Stuart Chait

Jules Chiavaroli

Laura Cooney

Sarah Costich King

Edna Czyz

William Dean

Howard Decker

Pam Dennis

Benjamin Deuel

William Devos

Tom Doggett

Katherine Donovan

Michael Doran

Matthew Emens

Peter Gabak

Dan Glasow

Nancy Gong

Rick Hauser

Bob Healy

Blake Held

Linda Hewitt

Michael Husar

Joseph Istvan

Sara Katz

Bud Knapp

William LaVigne

Charles Lewis

Nancy Macon

Todd Marsh

Maria Mazurek

Kristin Merle

Patrick Morabito

Peter Morse

Michelle Murnane

Richard Napoli

Thomas Pellett

Sean Phelan

Kristin Purdy

Stephen Rebholz

Jon Schick

Dirk Schneider

Allison Shannon

Tom Simbari

Michael Sorensen

Paul Visca

Troy Williams

Dieter Wirth

Jay Woodcock

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